Documents required to be submitted, recorded, registered or any fact or information authorized or required to be registered under the act 2013. It shall be filed or submitted with in the time mentioned in the relevant provisions with ROC. These may be filed after the expiry of the specified time, however, within a period of 270 days from the date on which they should have been submitted, filed registered or recorded, as the case may be upon payment of such additional fees as mentioned in rule 12 (registration of offices and fees).
In respect of any document or form which was due for filing prior to the issue of the companies (registration of office and fees) rules, 2014. Under the 1956 act or the act 2013. The fees applicable at the time of actual filing shall be applicable.
In case the company commits or fails default in submitting, filing on with additional fees of any information or document fact, before the expiry of 270 days from the date on ought to have been submitted.
For delay in filing e-form SH-7 relating to increase in authorised share capital up to six months, additional fees shall be applicable at 2.5 per cent per month.
For filing of forms other than for increase in authorized share capital, additional fees in the case of delay up to 15 days. In case of delay beyond 15 days and up to 30 days for the remaining forms, two times the normal filing fees as mentioned in rule 12 of the companies (registration of offices and fees). For delay of more than 30 days and up to 60 days, additional fees shall be four times of the normal fees mentioned in rule 12 of the companies (registration of offices and fees).
In respect of filing of particulars for modification and creation of charges in Form and under sections 77,78, and 79 of the 2013 act beyond 30 days and within 300 days from the date of modification and creation of charge, additional fees as prescribed under Table B of Annexure to Rule 12 of the companies (Registration of Offices and Fess) rules, 2014 shall be levied.
Where Form No. CHG-1 or CHG-9 is not filed within a period of 300 days from the date of modification of creation of charge. Where Form No. CHG-4 for satisfaction of charge is not filed within 30 days.
Note that additional filing fee may be paid to the registrar on any bank authorized by the MCA and acting as the agent of the RBI for credit under the head provided in the instructions to the Annexure to rule 12 of the companies (Registration of Offices and Fees) Rules, 2014.
Where the application is filed through electronic media or through any other computer reliable media, any of the following payment options can be selected namely :
(i) Credit Card
(ii) Internet Banking
(iii) Remittance at the bank counter
(iv) Any other mode as assigned by the Central Government
Where fees are payable to the registrar through bank drafts the same shall be payable at and drawn on banks located in the same city or town as the office of the registrar. The fees paid by bank shall not be deemed to have been paid unless the same is encashed and amount credited to the account of the ROC.
We are one of the leading Company Registration Consultants in Coimbatore, to register the following business entities in Coimbatore.
Private Limited Company Registration visit here
Public Limited Company Registration visit here
One Person Company Registration visit here
Limited Liability Partnership (LLP Registration visit here
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