ARBITRATION’S, COMPROMISE, ARRANGEMENTS AND RECONSTRUCTIONS: Interpretation of sections 391 and 393 bisections 391 and 393,-(a) the expression “company” means any liable company under this Act to be wound up with the compromise ; the expression “arrangement” includes the company share-capital reorganization of different classes consolidation by the shares, or by …
LISTING AGREEMENT AND ITS INFORMATIONS: The company agrees to submit to the stock exchange, within conclusion of 48 hours of its General meeting regarding the details and informations of the voting results in the following format: The issuer agrees to gives shareholders e-voting facility, in respects of all resolutions …
The new start up company and small businesses are warmly welcomed by the Government of Tamilnadu. It is been under the policies of State and Central government policies. New Companies are developing in the state due to the favorable economic policies. Every new business should registered their company under the …